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Common Causes Of Swimming Pool Injuries

What To Look Out For In Pool Accident Personal Injury Claims In California

While swimming pools are associated with fun times with friends and family, they can be surprisingly dangerous. There are even laws and standards that owners should follow to keep the risks down. Knowing the common causes of swimming pool injuries helps you in two ways:

  1. Knowing what to look out for when you're in a swimming pool

  2. What safety precautions should the property owner have had to protect you or a loved one from pool accidents

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Swimming pools are a huge responsibility that pool owners must handle with care. Pools require constant maintenance and upkeep to stay not only enjoyable but also safe.

Pool owners and operators must regularly inspect their pool and property to ensure that everything is in functioning order. Even a seemingly minor problem or flaw can have life-altering, even fatal implications if ignored. Unfortunately, this is a common problem our Personal Injury Lawyers in California have seen with Swimming Pool Accidents.

Here's a list of some of the most common causes of injury in swimming pools:

1. No Fences Or Barricades

Private pools with no barriers or fences appear to be open invitations. If there are no barriers in place, children may wander into the pool area and drown. Pool owners are responsible for restricting access to their pools and ensuring that individuals who should not have access to the pool do so.

2. Pool Maintenance That Is Inadequate Or Non-existent

To maintain pools clean and sanitary, a careful chemical balance is required. If there aren't enough chemicals in a pool, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria and disease. Chemical burns and irritation can result from too much chlorine or pool chemicals in the water.

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It is also the responsibility of the pool owner or operator to keep the pool and patio area clean and clear of debris, sharp fractures in the tile, and loose wooden planks. Cuts, scratches, and tripping risks can all result from these concerns.

3. Unsafe Or Broken Drains

Because of the enormous amount of suction required to filter and clean pools, pool drains can be exceedingly dangerous. There have been cases where small children drowned after becoming caught by a drain's powerful suction.

Pools should have certain safeguards in place to limit the danger of suction-related injuries and deaths. These protocols must be followed by all public pools, or they will be fined.

4. Inadequate Oversight

Employees who work at public pools should have the appropriate staff-to-swimmer ratio. If there aren't enough lifeguards and other supervising staff on duty, swimmers may drown without ever being noticed.

Not everyone who goes into swimming pools even knows how to swim. Even if they do, they might have a cramp or other accidents that will lead to a possible drowning.

5. Improperly Trained Or Untrained Staff

Staffing levels should not only be adequate but they should also be adequately trained. Negligent hiring methods, inadequate screening, or a failure to undertake background checks might lead to employees working in jobs for which they are unqualified.

Someone's life could be put in jeopardy if a lifeguard cannot swim or conduct CPR effectively.

6. Lack Of Signages

Public pool owners have a responsibility to educate the public about the dangers of swimming at their facility. For example, people must be explicitly informed if a lifeguard is on duty, what the lifeguard hours are, and whether diving in certain portions of the pool is safe.

Pools should also clearly state their rules and restrictions, such as no running allowed, pool hours of operation, and the requirement of adult supervision for children under the age of 18. Additionally, pools must show accurate information regarding the pool's depth and who to contact in the event of an emergency.

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What Do You Do When You Get In A Pool Accident?

Unlike car crashes, you don't immediately see an at-fault party in pool accidents. However, swimming pool accidents caused by negligence fall under premises liability in California.

This means that if you can prove that the pool owner or the staff have been negligent in some way, you will be able to file Personal Injury Claims in California. These claims will enable you to demand compensation for the injuries and losses you've incurred, including medical bills, rehab fees, and lost income.

That said, you should contact a Personal Injury Attorney in California to help you get the compensation you deserve.

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