Don't Rely On Biased Lawyer Marketing And Advertising
We help our clients discover AND avoid California attorneys with pending investigations and disciplinary actions. Based on the specifics of your case, we'll match you with a reputable and pre-screened California lawyer.
We Verify Lawyers Charge Fair Fees
We also make sure attorneys in our network charge reasonable legal fees and that settlement awards are disbursed on time to our clients
Run Criminal Background Checks
Our team conducts criminal background checks and verifies that each attorney is in good standing with the California State Bar at all times.
We Also Check Lawyers' Credentials
We fact-check professional associations, degrees, awards, working experience, and continuing education requirements.
Monitor Lawyers' Performance
Attorneys are required to submit progress reports while they work on your case. We monitor his/her performance until your case is resolved.

Dive Into the New Age of California Attorney Screening
The State Bar of California is the regulatory agency for California lawyers in charge of admissions and discipline. The State Bar is not a lawyer referral service and cannot give any legal advice or direct anyone seeking a referral to a specific attorney or conducting an attorney search for a specific case.
As a certified lawyer referral service, our attorney-matching service is controlled by statute (Business & Professions Code section 6155 and State Bar Rules Title 3. Programs and Services. Division 5. Providers of Programs and Services. Chapter 3. Lawyer Referral Services).

“Numbers don't lie, only we can understand what they are trying to tell.”
― Hyderabadi Maratha
Complaints of professional misconduct by attorneys are received in average every year.
California attorneys were suspended and/or placed on probation during 2019 for committing unethical acts.
California attorneys were disciplined in 2019 in Los Angeles County alone.
Is the average of complaints of attorney misconduct received on a daily basis by the California State Bar
California attorneys were disciplined by the California State Bar in 2020. This Includes suspensions, and disbarments
"My wrongful termination case in ongoing but I am happy with the results so far"
"I was able to find a very good and knowledgable personal injury lawyer using this service. "
"Highly recommended lawyer finder. They follow up with me, monitor the progress of my claim, and the lawyer's performance"
"I've been using this service to find good and honest lawyers in Los Angeles for a few years"

There Are Over 190,000 Active California Lawyers.
We Conduct Due Diligence On Your Behalf And Help You Find Reputable Legal Professionals.
Due diligence is the investigation or exercise of care that a reasonable person is normally expected to take before entering into an agreement or contract with a lawyer.
Our team conducts the attorney vetting process and provide you with an unbiased referral to a honest, pre-screened California lawyer.